
Diabetes & Obesity Publications


Ahmadizar F, Vijverberg SJ, Arets HG, de Boer A, Lang JE, Kattan M, Palmer CN, Mukhopadhyay S, Turner S, Maitland-van der Zee AH. Childhood obesity in relation to poor asthma control and exacerbation: a meta-analysis. Eur Respir J 2016;48:1063-1073.


Ali-Dinar T, Lang JE. Is impaired glucose metabolism the missing piece in the obesity-asthma puzzle? Pediatr Pulmonol 2016 Oct 17 [Epub ahead of print].


Bejarano CM, Milkes A, Hossain MJ, Argueta-Ortiz F, Wysocki T. Longitudinal associations of visit satisfaction and treatment alliance with outcomes in pediatric obesity clinic visits. Children’s Health Care 2016 Dec 1 [Epub ahead of print].


Cohen MJ, Curran JL, Phan TT, Reichard K, Datto GA. Psychological contributors to noncompletion of an adolescent preoperative bariatric surgery. Surg Obes Relat Dis 2016 Aug 18 [Epub ahead of print].


Druce Axley J, Werk LN. Relationship between abdominal adiposity and exercise tolerance in children with obesity. Pediatr Phys Ther 2016;28:386-391.


Garro A, Chodobski A, Szmydynger-Chodobska J, Shan R, Bialo SR, Bennett J, Quayle K, Rewers A, Schunk JE, Casper TC, Kuppermann N, Glaser N, Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN). Circulating matrix metalloproteinases in children with diabetic ketoacidosis. Pediatr Diabetes 2016 Feb 4 [Epub ahead of print].


Lee, JM, Wasserman R, Kaciroti N, Gebremariam A, Steffes J, Dowshen S, Harris D, Serwint J, Abney D, Smitherman L, Reiter E, Herman-Giddens ME. Timing of puberty in overweight versus obese boys. Pediatrics 2016;137:e20150164.


Marks BE, Doyle DA. Idiopathic infantile hypercalcemia: case report and review of the literature. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2016;29:127-132.


Mauras N, Ross JL, Gagliardi P, Yu YM, Hossain J, Permuy J, Damaso L, Merinbaum D, Singh RJ, Gaete X, Mericq V. Randomized trial of aromatase inhibitors, growth hormone, or combination in pubertal boys with idiopathic short stature. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2016 Oct 6 [Epub ahead of print].


Olney RC, Salehi P, Prickett TC, Lima JJ, Espiner EA, Sikes KM, Geffner ME. Dynamic response of C-type natriuretic peptide and its aminoterminal propeptide (NTproCNP) to growth hormone treatment in children with short stature. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2016;85:561-568.


Pierce JS, Kozikowski C, Lee J, Wysocki T. Type 1 diabetes in very young children: a model of parent and child influences on management and outcomes. Pediatr Diabetes 2015 Dec 29 [Epub ahead of print].


Steinkrauss LJ. The path from hormone abnormality to hypoglycemia. J Pediatr Nurs 2016;31:562-564.


Uppal V, Mansoor S, Furuya KN. Pediatric nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Curr Gastroenterol Rep 2016;18:24.



Antal H, Hossain MJ, Hassink S, Henry S, Fuzzell L, Taylor A, Wysocki T. Audio-video recording of health care encounters for pediatric chronic conditions: observational reactivity and its correlates. J Pediatr Psychol 2015;40:144-153.


Barnard KD, Wysocki T, Thabit H, Evans ML, Amiel S, Heller S, Young A, Hovorka R; Angela Consortium. Psychosocial aspects of closed- and open-loop insulin delivery: closing the loop in adults with Type 1 diabetes in the home setting. Diabetic Med 2015;32:601-608.


Bejarano CM, Fuzzell LA, Clay C, Leonard S, Shirley EA, Wysocki T. Shared decision-making in pediatrics: a pilot and feasibility project. Clin Pract Pediatr Psychol 2015;3:25-36.Ìý


Bonet ML, Canas JA, Ribot J, Palou A. Carotenoids and their conversion products in the control of adipocyte function, adiposity and obesity. Arch Biochem Biophys 2015;572:112-125.


Canas JA, Damaso L, Hossain J, Balagopal PB. Fatty acid binding proteins 4 and 5 in overweight prepubertal boys: effect of nutritional counseling and diet and supplementation with an encapsulated fruit and vegetable juice concentrate. J Nutri Sci 2015 Oct [Epub ahead of print].


Canas JA, Ross JL, Taboada MV, Sikes KM, Damaso LC, Hossain J, Caulfield MP, Gidding SS, Mauras N. A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled pilot trial of the safety and efficacy of atorvastatin in children with elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and Type 1 diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes 2015;16:79-89.


Cardonick E, Gringlas M, Greenspan JS. Development of children born to mothers with cancer during pregnancy: comparing in utero chemotherapy-exposed children with non-exposed controls. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015;212:658-659.Ìý


Catov JM, Abatemarco D, Althouse A, Davis EM, Hubel C. Patterns of gestational weight gain related to fetal growth among women with overweight and obesity. Obesity 2015;23:1071-1088.


Jasik CB, King EC, Rhodes E, Sweeney B, Mietus-Snyder M, Grow HM, Harris JM 2nd, Lostocco L, Estrada E, Boyle K, Tucker JM, Eneli IU, Woolford SJ, Datto G, Stratbucker W, Kirk S. Characteristics of youth presenting for weight management: retrospective national data from the POWER Study Group. Child Obes 2015;11:630-637.


Javed A, Balagopal PB, Vella A, Fischer PR, Piccinini F, Dalla Man C, Cobelli C, Giesler PD, Laugen JM, Kumar S. Association between thyrotropin levels and insulin sensitivity in euthyroid obese adolescents. Thyroid 2015;25:478-484.


Javed A, Vella A, Balagopal PB, Fischer PR, Weaver AL, Piccinini F, Dalla Man C, Cobelli C, Giesler PD, Laugen JM, Kumar S. Cholecalciferol supplementation does not influence beta-cell function and insulin action in obese adolescents: a prospective double-blind randomized trial. J Nutr 2015;145:284-290.


Lee PA, Ross J, Pederson BT, Gut R, Kotnik P, Germak J, Christesen HT. Noonan syndrome and Turner syndrome patients respond similarly to four years’ growth-hormone therapy: longitudinal analysis of growth-hormone-naïve patients enrolled in the NordiNet® International Outcome Study and the ANSWER Program. Int J Pediatr Endocrinol 2015 Sept 8 [Epub ahead of print].


Lee S, Rivera-Vega M, Alsayed HM, Boesch C, Libman I. Metabolic inflexibility and insulin resistance in obese adolescents with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Pediatr Diabetes 2015;16:211-218.ÌýÌý


Ly P, Abatemarco DJ. Disparities in parent confidence managing child weight-related behaviors. Patient Educ Counsel 2015;98:85-89.Ìý


Ly P, Abatemarco DJ. Parent perception of weight-related behaviors in young children with obesity. Health Behav Policy Rev 2015;2:194-202.


Mauras N, Santen RJ, Colón-Otero G, Hossain J, Wang Q, Mesaros C, Blair IA. Estrogens and their genotoxic metabolites are increased in obese prepubertal girls. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015;100:2322-2328.


McCulloch MA, Mauras N, Hossain J, Canas JA, Sikes K, Damaso L, de Cesare A, Ross J, Gidding SS. Use of magnetic resonance imaging to measure aortic strain and distensibility in adolescents with Type 1 diabetes mellitus. Pediatr Diabetes 2015;16:90-97.Ìý


Phan TL, Hassink SG, Curran JL, Datto GA, Tynan WD, Abatemarco DJ. Parent perception of weight-related behaviors in young children with obesity. Health Behav Policy Rev 2015;2:194-202.


Pierce JS, Wysocki T. Topical review: advancing research on the transition to adult care for Type 1 diabetes. J Pediatr Psychol 2015;40:1041-1047.Ìý


Rivera-Vega MY, Flint A, Winger DG, Libman I, Arslanian S. Obesity and youth diabetes: distinguishing characteristics between islet cell antibody positive vs. negative patients over time. Pediatr Diabetes 2015;16:375-381.


Rosenfield RL, DiMeglio LA, Mauras N,Ìý Ross JL,Ìý Shaw ND, Greeley S, Haymond M, Rubin K, Rhodes ET. Commentary: launch of a quality improvement network for evidence-based management of uncommon pediatric endocrine disorders: Turner syndrome as a prototype. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015;100:1234-1236.


Ross JL, Lee PA, Gut R, Germak J. Increased height standard deviation scores in response to growth hormone therapy to near-adult height in older children with delayed skeletal maturation: results from the ANSWER Program. Int J Pediatr Endocrinol 2015 Jan 15 [Epub ahead of print].


Scherrer PD, Mallory MD, Cravero JP, Lowrie L, Hertzog JH, Berkenbosch JW; Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium.Ìý The impact of obesity on pediatric procedural sedation-related outcomes: results from the Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium. Paediatr Anaesth 2015;25:689-697.


Siegel R, Fals A, Mirza N, Datto G, Stratbucker W, Levers-Landis CE, Christison A, Wang Y, Woolford SJ.Ìý Social/electronic media use of children and adolescents who attend the pediatric weight management programs of the COMPASS Network. Child Obes 2015;11:624-629.


Tucker J, Moore M, Rooy J, Wright A, Rothschild C, Werk LN. Reliability of common lower extremity biomechanical measures of children with and without obesity. Pediatr Phys Ther 2015;27:250-256.




Arbelaez AM, Xing D, Cryer PE, Kollman C, Beck RW, Sherr J, Ruedy KJ, Tamborlane WV, Mauras N, Tsalikian E, Wilson DM, White NH; Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet) Study Group. Blunted glucagon but not epinephrine responses to hypoglycemia occurs in youth with less than one year duration of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Pediatr Diabetes 2014;15:127-34.


Barnard KD, Wysocki T, Allen JM, Elleri D, Thabit H, Leelarathna L, Gulati A, Nodale M, Dunger DB, Tinati T, Hovorka R. Closing the loop overnight at the home setting: psychosocial impact for adolescents with type 1 diabetes and their parents. Brit Med J Open Diabetes Res Care 2014;2:e000025.


Barnea-Goraly N, Raman M, Mazaika P, Marzelli M, Hershey T, Weinzimer SA, Aye T, Buckingham B, Mauras N, White NH, Fox LA, Tansey M, Beck RW, Ruedy KJ, Kollman C, Cheng P, Reiss AL; Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet). Alterations in white matter structure in young children with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2014;37:332-40.


Barnea-Goraly N, Weinzimer SA, Ruedy KJ, Mauras N, Beck RW, Marzelli MJ, Mazaika PK, Aye T, White NH, Tsalikian E, Fox L, Kollman C, Cheng P, Reiss AL; Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet). High success rates of sedation-free brain MRI scanning in young children using simple subject preparation protocols with and without a commercial mock scanner:the Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet) experience. Pediatr Radiol 2014;44:181-6.


Campbell MS, Schatz DA, Chen V, Wong JC, Steck A, Tamborlane WV, Smith J, Beck RW, Cengiz E, Laffel LM, Miller KM, Haller MJ; T1D Exchange Clinic Network. A contrast between children and adolescents with excellent and poor control: the T1D exchange clinic registry experience. Pediatr Diabetes 2014;15:110-7.


Canas J, Lochrie A, McGowan AG, Schettino C, Hossain J, Balagopal P. Effect of a two-week intense lifestyle intervention followed by six-month carotenoid supplementation on fat depots, aditonectin and palmitoleate: a six-month double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study in obese children. FASEB J 2014;28:645-6.


Canas JA, Ross JL, Taboada MV, Sikes KM, Damaso LC, Hossain J, Caulfield MP, Gidding SS, Mauras N. A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled pilot trial of the safety and efficacy of atorvastatin in children with elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and type 1 diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes 2014 Nov 22 [Epub ahead of print]


Cato MA, Mauras N, Ambrosino J, Bondurant A, Conrad AL, Kollman C, Cheng P, Beck RW, Ruedy KJ, Aye T, Reiss AL, White NH, Hershey T; Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet). Cognitive functioning in young children with type 1 diabetes. J Int Neuropsychol Soc 2014;20:238-47.


Englert K, Ruedy K, Coffey J, Caswell K, Steffen A, Levandoski L; for the Diabetes Research in Children (DirecNet) Study Group (Mauras N). Skin and adhesive issues with continuous glucose monitors: a sticky situation. J Diabetes Sci Technol 2014 Apr 24 [Epub ahead of print]


Farah BQ, Ritti-Dias RM, Balagopal PB, Hill JO, Prado WL. Does aerobic exercise intensity affect blood pressure and heart rate variability in obese adolescents? A six-month multidisciplinary randomized intervention study. Pediatr Obes 2014;9:111-20.


Gurnurkar S, Arheart KL, Messiah SE, Mankodi A, Carrillo A. Skeletal maturation and predicted adult height in children with premature adrenarche. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2014;27:69-74.


Lang JE. Exercise, obesity, and asthma in children and adolescents. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2014;90:215-7.


Lang JE. Obesity and asthma in children: current and future therapeutic options. Paediatr Drugs 2014;16:179-88.


Lee PA, Klein K, Mauras N, Lev-Vaisler T, Bacher P. 36-month treatment experience of two doses of leuprolide acetate 3-month depot for children with central precocious puberty. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2014;99:3153-9.


Lessard L, Poland M, Trotter M. Lessons learned from a healthful vending pilot program in Delaware state agency buildings, 2011–2012. Prev Chronic Dis 2014;11:140-8.


Marzelli MJ, Mazaika PK, Barnea-Goraly N, Hershey T, Tsalikian E, Tamborlane W, Mauras N, White NH, Buckingham B, Beck RW, Ruedy KJ, Kollman C, Cheng P, Reiss AL; Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet). Neuroanatomical correlates of dysglycemia in young children with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes 2014;63:343-53.


Mauras N, Mazaika P, Buckingham B, Weinzimer S, White NH, Tsalikian E, Hershey T, Cato A, Cheng P, Kollman C, Beck RW, Ruedy K, Aye T, Fox L, Arbelaez AM, Wilson D, Tansey M, Tamborlane W, Peng D, Marzelli M, Winer KK, Reiss AL; for the Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet). Longitudinal assessment of neuroanatomical and cognitive differences in young children with type 1 diabetes: association with hyperglycemia. Diabetes 2014 Dec 8 [Epub ahead of print]


Messiah SE, Vidot DC, Gurnurkar S, Alhezayen R, Natale RA, Arheart KL. Skeletal maturation and predicted adult height in children with premature adrenarche. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2014 Oct 13 [Epub ahead of print]


Olney RC, Prickett TC, Espiner EA, Mackenzie WG, Duker AL, Ditro C, Zabel B, Hasegawa T, Kitoh H, Aylsworth AS, Bober MB. C-type natriuretic peptide plasma levels are elevated in subjects with achondroplasia, hypochondroplasia, and thanatophoric dysplasia. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2014 Nov 11 [Epub ahead of print]


Phan TL, Curran JL, Abatemarco DJ. Disparities in parent confidence managing weight-related behaviors. Patient Educ Couns 2014;98:85-9.


Phan TL, Hossain J, Lawless S, Werk LN. Quarterly visits with glycated hemoglobin monitoring: the sweet spot for glycemic control in children with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2014;37:341-5


Prado WL, Balagopal PB, Lofrano-Prado MC, Oyama LM, Cardel M, Gomes PP, Andrade M, Hill JO. Effect of aerobic exercise on hunger feelings and satiety regulating hormones in obese teenage girls. Pediatr Exerc Sci 2014;26:463-9.


Prendergast C, Gidding SS. Cardiovascular risk in children and adolescents with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Curr Diab Rep 2014;14:454-5.


Sherr J, Tsalikian E, Fox L, Buckingham B, Weinzimer S, Tamborlane WV, White NH, Arbelaez AM, Kollman C, Ruedy KJ, Cheng P, Beck RW; Diabetes Research in Children Network. Evolution of abnormal plasma glucagon responses to mixed-meal feedings in youth with type 1 diabetes during the first two years after diagnosis. Diabetes Care 2014;37:1741-4.