Get to Know Me
I grew up in India and moved with my family to the U.S. at age 9. I’ve always had an interest in science in general and medicine – the field my great-grandparents were in. Education was hugely important in our family, and I enjoy interacting with people.
Why I Treat Children
In medical school I leaned toward neonatology (treating newborns) but enrolled in an an exciting new triple board program at the University of Kentucky. It covered pediatrics, adult psychiatry, and child and adolescent psychiatry all together. I have never looked back.
What I'm Passionate About
I feel strongly about equality for all people – religious, racial, and gender-based. There needs to be a sense that we’re all humans. I treat people as people, without defining or prejudging them based on labels. I’ve brought up my daughters the same way.
How I Try to Make A Difference
I’m committed to caring for the most needy people in the population. They have so much on their plates already, and they’re the most vulnerable. At one time, I was the only child psychiatrist in my whole county, and I provided long-term care even after I moved away and had to travel until a new doctor could be found.